Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July Prayer Letter

Ministry News
As summer approaches, so does camping season. Our valley has the camp grounds for the Reformed Church of Japan in it. Kazumi will be a staff member for the elementary school children’s camp and me for the junior high. We are excited to see Cherry go with two non-Christian cousins. Pray that my nephew Kosei, niece Riko and the many other campers will learn of the love of God as they study about God’s love for the lost sheep.

The outreach English Conversation class will be on break in August. From April we had to move meeting from Thursdays to Tuesdays. When we met on Thursday we met on the weeks the pastor’s Thursday book club was on break. Since we lost that tie-up attendance has been down. I also continue to have a weekly breakfast fellowship time for English speaking ex-pats. A non-Christian friend from New Zealand attended for the first time this past month and we pray he returns.

On June 19th two adults were baptized at Tajimi Reformed Church. One was the husband of a longtime member and the other was the younger sister of a woman baptized at Christmas. You may remember that two adults were baptized on Christmas and two made profession of faith. Also two others are currently studying for baptism. Since I first came to Japan in 1996 as an English teacher, I have never seen this many people come to accept Christ in a local church setting.

Support News
Support raising has been slow. While we wait for additional support to come in we continue to serve in local churches doing the above as volunteers and absorbing any cost. At times we are having problems doing ministry, teaching 130 children at our home and caring for our own family emotional needs.

We will continue to do our best, and I believe that the level of support we receive is the level God desires us to have and we will be thankful for it while petitioning God for more. At the same time pray that we will be like the wise managers turning our 5 talents into 10. Pray for us to have the support, the wisdom and the energy to do the work of the Kingdom. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send us anything or anyone we may need. Amen.

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